
And after those days we took up our carriages, and went up to Jerusalem (Acts 21:15)

The group over-nighted near the Dead Sea and had the chance to ascend to Masada and see the magnificent view from the ancient fortress.   It is a view like no other.    They mudded up took a dip in the Dead Sea and felt unique sense of weightlessness you feel when floating there.   They took a hike to the beautiful falls of Ein Gedi before boarding their bus (carriage) to make the climb to Jerusalem.

As you round the mountain pass and the city comes into view it is a life changing experience.  It is that moment when you realize you are really there...the place where so many of the most significant events in history have taken place..  My sister Jane sent me this description and picture.

This was my first view of Jerusalem , a bit hazy but we were listening to the song the Holy City as we drove in. It wowed me! 

