I came across this video from Aish.com this morning. I have viewed it before and it always touches me deeply. I had a good friend ask me recently "what is with all the Israel stuff on your Facebook page?" I smiled and said "because I love it. " I knew I only had about a minute to explain that more fully before we had to go so I searched for the words to convey how I feel. It is hard to explain in words. It is a collection of mine and my family's experiences being there, my late father's love and reverence with the holy land, the truly miraculous cascade of events that have preserved its people and the country itself, the good that comes to the world because of Israel, and it's the wonderful people of Israel.
It's a lot like hiking a tall mountain or ridge and then when you get to the top, you stop and take in the breathless view and feel the satisfaction of the journey and making it to the top. When I think about the struggle of the Jewish people and the sacrifices made to establish and protect Israel, a daily or weekly pause to admire and love the view they have created and appreciate and pay respect to the journey is certainly justified, knowing full well there are more summits to climb.
If you love Israel we would love to hear why.